
This is the website I created to gather all of my stuff together.

It might seem a bit. ( a bit!) egotistical to make a website about myself. If I think about it, it probably is. But I do have a bunch of things I've done, said, written and so on that are currently scattered all over the internet and this website is just an attempt to bring all that together.

You can go to the different places where I'm active; business, writing, recording to find something that might interest you or be something you're actually looking for.

When I was figuring out how to design this space I considered lots of different ways of doing it.
Flashy ways, super professional ways, slick ways, funny ways. But in the end I decided to try to just keep it as simple and authentic as possible. That's not easy for me. I always want to 'up-cycle' whatever I'm doing. 
Elaborate it. Try to make it cooler than it is, I guess because I don't think 'ordinary' is good enough.

I'm fighting that impulse, so if you think this is a bit dull, then I apologise. I'm just trying to be authentic, which might be a bit dull.

I've gathered all this stuff in one place because I no longer think my business and personal life are different domains. If a client wants to find out more about me, then there's plenty of information here about me as a human.

If someone who knows me personally but doesn't know how I try to earn a living, then they can look at what I've done over the years.

Ultimately I think that's the best way to approach life - to live your work and work your life. They two things aren’t different or in conflict. They shouldn't be anyway.